Designing With Web - Part 3: week 1

Change career guidance experience for your parents with a web service.

Group "108"
Cyrine Rachdi , Anne-Claire Laure , Guillaume Saint Martin Tillet , Guillaume Maublanc , Shining TU.

Mindmeister conjoint exploration: Minde Meister link

Project 1: CG for a better change!


Has it been 10 years that you are in the same job? You don't feel in your place anymore and you need more? Maybe it's time to change this! Because it is never too late, you now more than any time need 'CG for a better change!'.

What is CG for a better change?

CG for a better change, is an easy carrer guidence designed to assist people in an advanced step in their careers in making the right next Career Path. In simple words, CG for a better change follows you in the journey on which you acquire the knowledge, information, skills and experience necessary to identify career options that might fits your more than your actual job.

How does it works?

All you have to do is to answer a multitude of questions related to your previous and your expected future paths.

If you have more than 10 years career and you objective is to make different decisions, CG is made for you!
Service offered

Our services are divided into three steps:

This 3 steps will help us classify people according to their profile in order to give them a maximum of tips that help them in their decisions making.

Career guidance

Web interface

How does your project relates to Web? Describe use cases
On the future website of your service, how will users access your service? Describe scenario of utilisation

Step 1:
Create an account, referencing your CV and your profesional background

Step 2:
Validate your account information (thanks to an email sent using webhook?)

Step 3:
For each of your former jobs (and your actual job) you will have to describe it thanks to tags.
Then you will have to chose among proposed tags 5 avantages or things you liked, and 5 disavantages.
At the end you will chose what do you would like to work, what are your hobbies and what kind of work your you wouldn't do or you despise.

Step 4:
We will select several jobs, each one will have:
_ references
_ informations
_ testimonies
_ comments
_ exemple of companies which offer this job

Step 5: Among the proposed jobs, you will be able to like it, dislike it, disliked job will be replace by new jobs, and thus we will converge to the "perfect job"


Our competitors:


Project 2: Meet & Start


Do you have plenty of ideas but no one to concretize them with? Do you have an entrepreneur mind and you seek to join a project ready to start? Let us find for you the perfect match and start a project with your prefect associates!

What is Meet & start

We are a web platform which helps you develop your ideas, and thanks to your skills and your professional background we will matchs you with your perfect parteners. Our online services and algorithms will efficiently guide you to your success.

What is Meet & start

You will be asked to fill in several online forms, download your CV and


Our platform is opened to everyone since it is very easy to use.

Service offered

You will be asked to fill in several online forms, download your CV, develop your idea(s) and motivate it(them). Our algorithm will next matches you with different profiles with similar idea to yours and will then put you in touch with them.

Career guidance

Web interface

How does your project relates to Web? Describe use cases

Step 1:
Create an account, referencing your CV and your profesional background

Step 2:
Validate your account information (thanks to an email sent using webhook?)

Step 3:
two option are aviable, first one is to develop and share your ideas, second one is to navigate throught other customers'ideas

In option 1, for each idea select 5 tags among those wich are proposed to describe it, then fill a form to specify:
_ how many people are your ready to work with
_ where does this idea come from
_ what kind of service is it
_ what are your own experience which can help to concretize your idea
_ etc...
The aim is to get as many information as possible to later connect people interested in starting a close related business together.
It would be interesting to implement some courses about how to successfuly develop an idea and to describe it.
Once you're done, close related ideas'owner will be put in touch by a notification and a online shared workspace will be created.

In option 2, you can select 5 tags among those wich are proposed, all ideas already developed will be displayed, if you like an idea you can "like" it (facebook style) or to share it.
If you want to join the project you have a option to send your CV, a motivation letter and some additional ideas which can be add to the project.
Then if you re accepted you will join the workspace

The workspace will include:
_ courses about how to improve your idea
_ paperwork to start a entreprise
_ possibility to contact a coach/profesional


Our competitors:
